Itiner-e aims to host the most detailed open digital dataset of roads in the entire Roman Empire. The data creation is a collaborative ongoing project edited by a scholarly community. Itiner-e allows you to view, query and download roads. Each road segment has a URI that allows it to be cited and linked by external resources. It also includes a route-finding tool to explore travel itineries and times in the ancient world (beta version).
Go to our Tutorials page to learn how to use all functions on Itiner-e.
Brughmans, T., de Soto, P., Pažout, A. and Bjerregaard Vahlstrup, P., 2024 Itiner-e: the digital atlas of ancient roads.
Itiner-e: the digital atlas of ancient roads
© 2024
by Brughmans, Pažout, de Soto and Bjerregaard Vahlstrup
is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Every night a full export of all route segments is created in ndjson
format, where each line is a json
route segment
A route segment object is structured like a GeoJSON LineString object with an additional
representing the pleiades places in the vicinity of the route segment (only
applied for roads, not for rivers or sea lanes).
Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (DFF) Sapere Aude research leadership grant (0163-00060B). Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) Centre of Excellence for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) (DNRF119).
We would like to thank Aarhus University’s Past Networks team, Clara Filet, Aarhus University’s Centre for Humanities Computing, Peter Bjerregaard Vahlstrup.
The Viator-e project was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Research and Universities.
Project RTI2018-098905-J-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” by the “European Union”.
Tom Brughmans - Project co-director
Pau de Soto Cañamares - Project co-director
Adam Pažout - Project co-director